
Comwelder ハンドヘルドレーザー溶接の概要

レーザー溶接 is a precise process of fusing metal parts using a beam of laser light. It has found numerous applications across most industries, particularly in the automation of small-component welding, where tight control means there’s no need for cleanup. This is most useful in the automotive, aerospace, and electronics sectors, where precision and efficiency are the biggest driving factors. Handheld laser welding machine is an inevitable trend in the development of laser welding

Comwelder Handheld Laser Welding Unbeatable Benefits

FastFast welding speed Up to 4X faster than TIG
VERSATILEWide range of materials–up to 1/4 で. (6.35 んん)
EASYOptimized presets reduce learning curve
CONSISTENTHigh-quality, repeatable results
FLEXIBLESimple and challenging applications
Wide range of weldingEquipped with 3-6 meters optical cable

Handheld Laser Welding Systems

  1. Adjustable laser welding power up to 1500 W
  • Preset & user-defined modes optimize material-thickness combinations
  • Wobble welding controls for 5 mm of additional weld width
  • Rear panel provides intuitive connections for power, process gas and external accessory controls

Intelligent Operating System Comwelder Laser Welding2

Comwelder handheld laser welding – Factory Presets Ensure Optimized Welds

  1. Simple preset selection ensures consistent high-quality laser welds
  • Presets include wobble welding function to accommodate wider seams and for parts with poor fit-up
  • Operators can instantly switch between presets to process multiple material-thickness combinations
  • Advanced operators can customize presets, save for future use and can be used by novice operators to produce the same results
  • Novice operators require less training which reduces labor costs while preserving quality, increasing productivity and decreasing scrap

指揮者 handheld laser welding is Fast & Easy to Set Up

ComWelder B1 800W Air cooling handheld Laser Welding Machine
  1. Ergonomic, compact and proven to be the most comfortable and easy to use laser gun with built-in wobble welding functionality.
  • 2-step trigger and part contact sensor enhance operator safety
  • Purpose-built nozzle tips for various weld joint types and pre and post weld applications
  • Quickly switch from standard laser welding to wire welding
  • A single cable from the unit delivers laser power, gas and control connections to the laser welding gun
  • Clearly labeled rear connections make getting started fast and easy
  • Simply plug in power cord and gas connection, attach clamp to work surface, and the system is ready to go.
  • レーザー出力, gas, and gun control are delivered through a single cable.
  • An ethernet computer connection provides access to advanced parameter settings to fine tune and save process parameters.

Comwelder handheld laser welding Operator Safety Features

Comwelder air cooling Handheld Laser Welding4
  1. Emergency-stop button for immediate shut down
  • Safety interlock verifies integrity of laser delivery to the welding gun
  • 2-step weld gun trigger, enable and then fire, for intentional operation
  • Part contact electrical interlock turns off the laser power if the welding head is not in contact with the welded parts
  • Door switch interlock circuits shut down laser if anyone other than operator unexpectedly enters the welding area

Comwelder handheld laser welding is a Class IV laser system and safety precautions are required. Operator protective equipment including welding gloves, welding shield and 1070 nm laser-safe glasses are required.

Comwelder Handheld Laser Welding Comparison with other welding machines

 従来の電気溶接その他 レーザー溶接 水冷Comwelder レーザー溶接 空冷
 高い保存 50% 電気代の保存 80% 電気代の
スピード &効率★★★★★★★★★★★★
 低速4 TIG溶接よりも数倍速い4 TIG溶接よりも数倍速い
 縫い目が粗い ,多くの研削研磨が必要です滑らかなウェルディングラインによる細かい縫い目滑らかなウェルディングラインによる細かい縫い目
 認定された専門家のみが使用します新入生は 2 ~ 3 時間の学習後に操作可能になります新入生は 2 ~ 3 時間の学習後に操作可能になります
 2kg – 10kg70kg – 200kg25kg– 40kg
 ノズル不凍液,  オイル保護レンズとノズル保護レンズとノズルのみ
 深刻な, 熱伝導率が高いためメルド, 熱伝達が低いメルド, 熱伝達が低い
 いいえはい、まで 5 mm追加溶接幅はい

TIG welding is a time-consuming, two-handed welding method that requires an experienced, highly-skilled operator. TIG welding may generate extreme heat that deforms thin materials, produces poor visual finishes, is difficult when welding copper, and limited when welding metals of dissimilar thicknesses.

自分 welding requires consumable wire, material pre-cleaning and beveled joints for thick metals for full penetration. Travel and work angles are limited and vertical positions are extremely challenging.

Comwelder Handheld Laser Welding enables dramatically faster welding, is easier to learn and operate, and provides higher-quality, consistent results across a wider range of materials and thicknesses than MIG or TIG with minimal distortion, deformation, undercut or burn-through.

The low heat input and extensive material and thickness capabilities increase productivity, repeatability, and improve weld quality for operators of all skill levels. Comwelder handheld laser welding welds dissimilar metals of different thicknesses with ease and creates aesthetic high-strength joints with minimal or no consumable wire.




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